The difference between RGB and CMYK color
| Graphic Designthere are many questions about the difference between RGB and CMYK,and
in this article we will explain the differences in uses between the two,
as each one has a use for something.
Color models
It is a model that Illustrates the way colors are represented, and it consists of three or four primary colors from it we can extract other secondary gradations.For example, if we mix two primary colors we will produce a new secondary color, like mixing red with blue, we get violet
1- RGB color model
It is a color gamut consisting of three main colors (Red, Green, Blue), and it contains more than 16.5 million color gradation and is saturated with white, the reason is that if these three color are mixed, they will produce white.What are the uses of RGB?
The RGB model is used in the displays,like television, computer screens, and smartphones. And this type is used a lot in displays because combining RGB colors will produce white and is a color that is very suitable for the brightness of displays.
If your design will be used on any type of displays, you must use the RGB model.
What are the appropriate formulas for RGB?
there are many formats that are appropriate for the RGB color model, like JPEG, PNG and GIF, in addition to all video formats.
2- CMYK color model
it is a color model consisting of four main colors (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black).and black is added to improve some of the black colors used in printed.
What are the uses of CMYK?
The CMYK model is used in the prints in general, because black are appropriate in prints. for this reason, CMYK is appropriate for designing posters< magazines, books, or anything related to printing. and is not appropriate for electronic uses like RGB.
What are the appropriate formulas for CMYK?
There is many of formats appropriate to CMYK model and that which is appropriate for print designs, like PDF, AI and EPS.